Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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And we swear by all that is sacred, and we swear by all
that is pure, That the crafty and cruel dastards shall ravage our homes
no more.
We will roll the billows of battle back, back on the braggart
foe, 'Till his leaguer'd and stricken cities shall quake with a
coward's throe; They shall compass the awful meaning of the conflict their
lust begun, When the Northland rings with wailing, and the grand old
cause hath won.*
You know the Federal General Banks,
Who came through Louisiana with his forty thousand Yanks;
His object was to execute the Abolition law,
With as mongrel a horde of soldiers as creation ever saw;
There were Irish and English, and Spanish and Dutch,
And negroes and Yankees, and many more such,
All dress'd out in blue coats and fine filagree—
But such a skedaddle you never did see!
Chorus.—Doodle, doodle, Yankee doodle, doodle, dee, O such a skedaddle you never did see !
* Constitutional Liberty against Oppression—a "Cause" decided many times in the Old World, yet to be taught in the New.